
Insuring Your Security…
Investing in Your Future…
Managing Your Success…

  • To educate the public generally, and our clients specifically regarding insurance and financial matters.
  • To improve the online distribution system for insurance products and services, enabling public access to “do-it-yourself” service whereever possible.
  • To provide a complete package of financial management and insurance services that is superior to that of any other firm in our area.

Perhaps, our philosophy for “Good Business” is best summed up in our grandfather’s words… Good Business

If I possessed a shop or store
I’d drive the grouches off my floor
I’d never let some gloomy guy
Offend the folks who came to buy
I’d never keep a boy or clerk
With mental toothache at their work
Or let a person who draws my pay
Drive customers of mine away.

I’d treat the person who takes my time
And spends a nickle or a dime
With courtesy and make them feel
That I was pleased to close the deal.
Because tomorrow who can tell?
They may want stuff I have to sell
And in that case then glad they’ll be
To spend their dollars all with me.

The reason people pass one door
To patronize another store
Is not because the busier place
Has better silks, or gloves, or lace,
Or cheaper prices but it lies
In pleasant words and smiling eyes.
The secret that I believe
Is in the treatment folks receive.

It is good business to be fair
To keep a bright and cheerful air
About a place and not to show
Your customers how much you know.
Whatever any patron did
I’d try to keep my temper hid
And never let them pass along
The word that I had done them wrong.

– William F. MacDonald
1910 – 1966
All rights reserved.